Our commitment to your privacy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in effect and has replaced the Data Protection Act 1998.
Your trust is important to us.
We want to give you the best possible experience with Knowle Lodge No 8001 and the data we hold about you helps us personalise our communications to you, ensuring they are relevant to the interests you have in Freemasonry.
Protecting the personal data of our members, and ensuring that we handle it in accordance with the law, is of paramount importance to us.
If you wish to see our policies and notices for further information on how we use your personal data please contact our Bro Secretary and he can provide copies, or use the following link: Data Protection Notice
In May 2018 the new GDPR became operative.
What does that mean to us?
Prior to May 2018 we had an opt-out regime for members which meant that we could announce to open lodge that unless any members wished to opt out of the system it was considered that permission had been given to the lodge and the web master to include details of that member in any form, text or image. That meant that the member was identifiable.
Since May 2018 and the introduction of GDPR the onus has reversed and we must now consider all members have opted out unless they distinctly opt in! This will not be as onerous as it first appears.
The recommendation is that if any living member is to be included in or on the Lodge website the Web Manager/Master must get his permission. Ideally there should be some identifiable record of that permission being given to prevent any unpleasantness should a member leave. Additionally, any member may withdraw his permission at anytime (in writing) and it is the Web Manager’s/Web Master’s duty to remove any and all reference to that member at the earliest convenience. This may also include images.
1. If I already have a written acceptance from the old DPA days is it still valid?
a. Yes, that is an opting in document. The member may still elect to opt out later.
2. Our website has images and text of past members who have moved on and I don’t know if they are still alive, Can I keep the images and text on the website?
a. If you have a reasonable belief that the members in question gave permission at the time of creating the webpage then yes you may keep them.
3. I thought that the new GDPR only related to databases.
a. Personal details stored on databases are under more scrutiny. However our websites should not be considered databases as we do no data process of the information displayed.
b. If a lodge website publishes the email, phone numbers or address of any members then it is strongly recommended that opt in permission is sought from those members to continue publishing the details.
4. When must we not include a member on the website?
a. When he has not given written permission.
b. If he has withdrawn previously given permission, in writing.
25 April 2019 Warwickshire PGL GDPR Advice to lodges vers 2.0
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