Freemasonry is called a Craft, partly because of its roots in medieval stonemasons practices and because it requires training given in the form of initiation ceremonies of those wanting to join. Within each Lodge, the members elect officers to run the activities of the Lodge. See below for those roles
The leader of the Lodge elected by the brethren, in many respects the MD or CEO of a business is probably a good description.
Assists the Master in keeping order in the Lodge, and to close the Lodge.
Assists the Master in keeping order in the Lodge, and is responsible for the admission of visitors.
To give the appropriate prayers when required, and generally to remind the brethren of their obligation to the three grand principles on which the order is founded.
The Financial Officer, or banker of the Lodge.
In many ways very similar to a secretary of a small business. A hinge pin to ensure the smooth running of the lodge affairs both in and out of the Lodge Temple.
To regulate the ceremonies and keep an eye on the working of the ritual.
To promote and cement the support of the Brethren of the Lodge for our Charities.
Join us for our upcoming events and help us raise funds and awareness for our cause. From charity walks to benefit concerts, there's something for everyone.
To provide help and support to all the brethren of the Lodge, but especially the new brethren so they are not left alone during meetings.
The special messenger of the Worshipful Master.
The special messenger of the Senior Warden.
To assist the Director of Ceremonies in the discharge of his duties.
To provide appropriate music during the course of the meetings.
To assist the Secretary in the discharge of his duties.
To work in conjunction with the Tyler, to ensure that the Lodge is properly secured against intruders.
To assist the other officers in performing their duties and to ensure the best is provided for the comfort of the brethren.
To ensure all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the approach and entrance of unauthorised persons.
The previous Master, and is considered the guide, philosopher, and friend of his successor to the Chair of the Lodge.
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